Here is my homily from Dec. 24, 2017, Christmas Mass During the Night.

Readings: Isaiah 9.2-4,6-7; Psalm 96; Titus 2.11-14; Luke 2.1-16 (See the readings at

We’d love to have you at Mass! Upcoming Mass times at Holy Spirit Parish are:

Christmas (Holy Day of Obligation)

Sunday, Dec. 24: 5pm, 8pm, and 11pm
Monday, Dec. 25: 10am

Sunday, Feast of the Holy Family

Saturday, Dec. 30: 5pm
Sunday, Dec. 31: 10am and 12pm

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Holy Day of Obligation)

Sunday, Dec. 31: 7pm
Monday, Jan. 1: 10am