Brainstorming about Video

Here are the results from our brainstorming session about video production.

(And it goes without saying, but we should say it anyway: without communicating with the Lord in prayer, we won’t be able to share him online.  (Can’t give what you don’t got!))

Video (General)


Production (camera/lighting/sound/editing)

  • Audio tips are similar as before.
  • A good lavalier mic can help a lot for video.  Smaller and portable
    • Wired lavalier mic: Audio-Technica ATR3350. Approx. $30 on eBay. (Handy but a little noisy)
    • Wireless systems: Audio Technica PRO88W-R35
    • Many other wireless systems are available. Check your parish to see what they use, if you like the sound of it.
  • Higher end audio: a good shotgun mic and an audio interface/recording device. This is what movies use.
  • Camera
    • Smartphones actually have decent cameras for basic video.
    • Some webcams are ok, depending on what you want to do.
    • For more control:
      • point-and-shoot camera (new ones capable of 720p or 1080p video at 24/30fps)
      • camcorder (often has lots of optical zoom for cheaper cost)
      • digital SLR aka DSLR: low-medium range will be approx. $500-600.  Better models generally cost more.  Look for the ability to shoot in 720p or 1080p (high def), at 24 or 30 fps.  (Sometimes called “24p” or “30p”).
      • (My current camera is a Canon Rebel T2i.  Out of production now.  Next model is a Rebel T3i.)
    • A tripod is *very* important.
    • For a DSLR:
      • Good lenses can be useful.  Especially look for a decent prime lens that can allow the aperture to be set at 2.0 or lower.  Allows a much higher quality, more cinematic look.
    • Good quality storage: if your device takes high capacity SD cards, look for class 6 or 10 (higher is better).
    • Practice, practice, practice!
  • Software:
    • Free
      • Windows Movie Maker
      • iMovie
    • Paid
      • Adobe Premiere Elements ($99) or Pro ($799)
      • Final Cut Pro X ($299)
  • Again, big investment is TIME


Sharing (publishing/social)

  • YouTube and Vimeo are two prominent publishing sites
  • Can also share in Facebook
  •  Important: When sharing, look for a site that allows viewing on a mobile device.  YouTube and Vimeo allow this (it’s a setting in YouTube).
  • Make something good and catchy and you just might go viral!! (JPII, We Love You!)