Catholic Media Promotion Day: March 15, 2011

There’s strength in numbers. Let’s get the word out on one day about Catholic new media.

On March 15, 2011, everyone with a blog, podcast, or Facebook page should list their favorite 3 blogs, 3 podcasts, 3 other media, 3 random Catholic things online, and their own projects.

Then, post the link to your list here on March 15th.

Lastly, on March 15th, go to iTunes and leave at least 3 positive written reviews for various Catholic podcasts and 3 positive written reviews for Catholic mobile applications.

This idea was started was started by Greg Willits, co-host of “The Catholics Next Door” on the Sirius/XM Catholic Channel. He noticed that in several places that list the top blogs or podcasts in religious categories, they’ll rarely have Catholic resources in their top lists.

For example, the number of Catholic podcasts in the iTunes Religion and Spirituality category is very small (practically nonexistent). Wicca rates higher than great Catholic podcasts such as the aforementioned The Catholics Next Door podcast or The Catholic Guy Show.

(And it’s definitely waaaay higher than Hot Cup of Ministry. :-))

So join in on March 15! Let’s get some of the great Catholic new media that’s out there to trend up in Twitter, iTunes, Facebook, and any other forms of the internet that you use!