This is my entry to the latest photo challenge from Steve Nelson over at Here is the theme for this challenge:
For Catholic Photo Challenge #3 (June 15-30) – show us an image that represents a “Good Shepherd” to you. Be sure to tell us why!
For this entry, I ended up choosing a photo from my ordination (July 13, 2007). It is from the moment of the ordination Mass where the people, kneeling, pray the Litany of the Saints, while the candidate lies prostrate on the floor. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, who calls us to follow him. Yet he also calls his people to be shepherds of one another in different ways. The only way in which we can fruitfully do so is by humbly and continuously placing ourselves before the Good Shepherd. Any time I witness an ordination I am especially reminded of this.
(I had more hair back then, too.)
Be sure to check out the other photos at Steve’s page:!