I’m trying out a WordPress plugin called podPress that theoretically allows me to easily share recorded audio with you through this website and via podcast. Hopefully it works! I’ve dubbed my personal homily and Q&A podcast “SaskaPriest: A Catholic Podcast with Fr. Darryl Millette.”

Here is my first episode. It’s my homily given for the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A on January 30, 2011. The readings of the day were Zephaniah 2.3,3.12-13; Psalm 146; 1 Corinthians 1.26-31; and Matthew 5.1-12 (Beatitudes).
Enjoy! (Assuming this works. Here’s hoping!)

Download MP3 here.

Want your computer to automatically download my SaskaPriest homilies and podcasts in iTunes? Subscribe to the following URL: https://saskapriest.com/wordpress/?feed=podcast